Creating a Spider Terrarium with CosBond Attach & Build

November 04, 2020

It's "spooky season" time! This time of the year is a dream come true for cosplayers. Not only do we get to show off our cosplays we work so hard on, but we also get to use our cosplay skills to make fun decorations. Today, we will be making a spider terrarium that should get anyone in the spooky mood.

Creating a Spider Terrarium with CosBond Attach & Build

  1. First, we’ll start by making tiny gravestone patterns. Cut these out, and trace them onto some foam
  2. Cut out the foam, and use CosBond Attach & Build to stick on a small base
  3. Now, we can paint and decorate our gravestones
  4. Once they're painted, set the gravestones aside to dry
  5. To begin the terrarium, use hot glue to add a mossy floor
  6. Layer the floor with various moss types
  7. Once we’re done, begin sticking on the details (we used Attach & Build and hot glue to stick everything on)
  8. For the final detail, add your spider webbing

Now that we have our spooky decoration, we can focus on trick-or-treating and enjoying this ghostly time of the year. Happy spooky season, everyone!

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Topics: Cosplay Tutorials, Props, Cosbond Attach & Build, Hot Glue

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